Shrove Tuesday Pancake Party at La Siesta Church


Ss Peter and Paul, Torrevieja will be holding their annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Party on Tuesday 13th February at La Siesta Church, Calle Granados, Urb La Siesta, Torrevieja at 12 noon.


Father Richard Seabrook, the Priest at the church, said: It is an annual event as we look forward to the approach of Lent. We join in with the age old tradition of cooking pancakes on Shrove Tuesday. It´s a sign of using up all the good things we have before the rigours of Lent begin the following day on Ash Wednesday. I cook the pancakes and, if you are lucky, flip them as well!


Soup will also be served. There will be various stalls: jams and preserves, bric a brac, and cakes. There will also be a raffle.


Father Seabrook continued: It is always a happy event and a chance to enjoy some good fellowship with each other and anyone can come along – even if you don´t come to the church. You are welcome to join us.


Tickets are on sale from Sue Maude on 693 530 935 or by emailing her at and cost 5 euros each. The church will cater for gluten and lactrose free diets.


The next day, commented Father Seabrook, will be the start of Lent and there will be two Masses in English with the Blessing and Distribution of Ashes at 1030 at Lago Jardín Church (opposite the Dña Monse Hotel, CV95 on the road to San Miguel de Salinas) and 1700 at La Siesta Church.


Father Seabrook remarked: February 14th is Valentine´s Day but this year it is also Ash Wednesday so we will be thinking about the love that comes from the Sacred Heart of Jesus.


Facebook: @anglicantorrevieja

Photos from the Pancake Party in 2023