Studio 32 Want You


Would you like to know more about getting involved with Studio 32 Musical Theatre Group?  Join the cast and crew for a cheese and wine evening at Casa Contenta, Rojales, from 7.30pm on Tuesday the 9th of January.  Where you can meet the show director who will give a brief outline of the next show. There are still male and female principal roles to be filled for the May production so if you think you have what it takes, to tread the boards, sing, dance and be a part of the ensemble or take on a leading role then pop in on the 9th of January for a chat.  If being on stage is not for you, S32 are always looking for crew to help behind the scenes or Front of House during show week. Training will be available.

S32 look forward to welcoming you at 7.30pm on the 9th of January.  Contact Linda 679062272 for further information.