Garden Felix – Oleanders pink, red, orange, yellow and white flowers!


Oleander – Nerium oleander – is a favourite everywhere in Spain, growing naturally as a mounded, round shrub, that can be trained as a small single or multi trunked tree!

The evergreen foliage of the oleander plant is dense, leathery, and dark green, perfect for a privacy screen when planted in groups or borders, growing to a mature size of 8-19 ft high and 6-10 ft width.

Its delicately shaped, showy, fragrant flowers tend to be pink, while some varieties produce red, orange, yellow, or white flowers.

Plant oleander in the cooler months, such as in the Spring or Autumn. It prefers full sun, but it will also tolerate partial shade; however, its foliage won’t be as dense.

It is also tolerant of heat, drought, wind, and coastal conditions.

Plant in well-draining soil for best results and they will adapt to any kind of soil conditions.

Oleander will bloom for a long period, with flowers appearing from Spring to Summer and will most likely be all-year round on the Costa Blanca South’s warm climate.

You’ll need to give each plant adequate space to grow, such as 4-12 ft between plants. You can also grow in containers, but you will need to use large pots, making sure containers have drainage holes.

Feed with a light dose of a balanced fertiliser during the plant’s first spring and a light yearly fertilisation thereafter, as established oleander is not a heavy feeder.

Note: All parts of the oleander plant are toxic to humans and pets. Wear protective clothing and gloves when planting, pinching, pruning, or propagating.