216 Crimes Against Road Safety in September


During the month of September, Guardia Civil traffic patrols across the Valencia region brought a total of 216 people to court for crimes against road safety, in other words, offences so serious that they warranted a court appearance.

Of the 216 criminal acts reported, 66 were for driving without a permit or licence, 128 for doing so under the influence of alcoholic beverages, 11 for reckless driving, 3 for leaving the scene of an incident, 2 for excessive speeding and 6 for driving with drugs in the system.

By province, in Valencia, action was taken against 34 drivers for lacking a permit or licence, 66 for driving under the influence of alcohol, 6 for reckless driving, 4 for driving with drugs in their system, 1 for speeding and 2 for leaving the scene of an incident.

In Castellón, action was taken against 7 drivers for lacking a permit or licence, 20 drivers for driving under the influence of alcohol, 1 for speeding, 1 for reckless driving and 1 for driving with drugs in their system.

Finally, in the province of Alicante, action was taken against 25 drivers for lacking a permit or licence, 42 for driving under the influence of alcohol, 4 for reckless driving, 1 for driving with drugs in their system and 1 for leaving the scene of the incident.