Torrevieja will restrict access to the most polluting cars


Torrevieja reopens Low Emission Zone Consultation

Although they had previously published a consultation document, a matter which then disappeared from any kind of progress, despite the law coming into force 10 months ago, Torrevieja town hall has now published the technical report preparing for the implementation of a low emissions zone in the town, thus helping to improve the air quality, which, to date, is amongst the worst towns in the area for air quality.

The report published this week details the procedure prior to the implementation of the Low Emissions Zone (ZBE), and the public consultation being carried out “to gather the opinion of the subjects and the most representative organisations potentially affected by the ordinance”.

Somewhat ironically, the document also explains how the European Parliament declared a climate and environmental emergency on 28 November 2019, and called on the member states to “urgently adopt” these measures, and now, almost 4 years later, Torrevieja springs into urgent action.

Two years ago, Torrevieja town hall published document 49901/2022 which stated, “The Torrevieja city council adopted an agreement on September 20, 2021 to implement a low emissions zone in the urban case of the city, in compliance with article 14.3 of Law 7/2021, of May 20, on Climate Change and Energy Transition, where for cities with more than 50,000 inhabitants, a low emissions zone must be implemented before December 31, 2022.”

“The environmental conditions of noise and pollution due to traffic congestion make it necessary to delimit a low emissions zone in the areas close to the axis of calle Ramón Gallud and the axis of Paseos Vistalegre, de la Libertad, Juan Aparicio and their surrounding streets. This Ordinance that is proposed to be approved would provide regulatory support to the restrictions on the most polluting vehicles and their prohibition of access to this low emissions zone.”

“In view of the above, a period of citizen consultation is opened on the Torrevieja City Council website for a period of 1 month from its publication”, stated the 2021 document. The current mayor, Eduardo Dolon, was also mayor at that time, incidentally.

Jump forward two years, clearly missing the deadline they were aware of and quoted, the new document states, “The environmental conditions of noise and pollution due to road traffic congestion make it necessary to delimit a low emissions zone in the areas close to the axis of the highway. And, in accordance with article 25 of Law 7/1985, of April 2, Regulating the Bases of the calle Ramón Gallud and axis of Paseos Vistalegre, de la Libertad, Juan Aparicio and its streets”.

For those unaware, calle Ramón Gallud is the main street that runs through the centre of the town, where traffic flow is currently restricted to allow parking at times, both factors which are proven to worsen pollution, and so the intention would be to restrict access to the most polluting vehicles by identification through the DGT system and environmental sticker scheme.

Comments on the proposal can now be submitted to the town hall, again, through their usual, preferably digital, channels, with a period of 20 working days established this time.