Smiling Jack’s GS at Altaona, Murcia


Thank you to everyone for supporting Smiling Jack’s Golf Society. We had a great day on a well laid out and superbly presented golf course that was in very good condition.

A big thank you to the staff of Altaona golf resort for looking after us so well. A big shout out also to Karen and Al for taking care of us this afternoon. As always a massive thank you to Julie for taking a day off to prepare our lovely food.

Now for the scores:

Nearest the pin on 3 Mandy Christie, NTP on 17 and so close to an ace, Paul Depadova, NTP on 13 Les Christie

In second place with 36 points, but no cigar is Paul Cox while the winner with 39 points, playing off 13, is Les Christie, he also receives a new Smiling Jack’s handicap of 10. Well done Les.

The winner of the famous blue Johnny was Mervyn who also won the raffle, a free golf day at Smiling Jack’s courtesy of the boss man Ger, thanks the Ger.

Our next outing will be at the beautiful Vista Bella and will be advertised shortly.

El Presidente