Charity Golf day in support of ON COURSE FOUNDATION and THE PINK LADIES


The above day was held at Vistabella Golf on the 22nd of June and was supported by some 74 players.


We played Texas Scramble on a very warm day and the course was in excellent condition.


Due to some Societies remaining on the old Handicap system we had 2 Divisions, WHS and NON WHS.


Firstly my thanks go to Bob Smith who worked tirelessly before and during the actual day. Also a big Thank you goes to Kathleen Rodgers who sat at hole 15 where we had the par 3 challenge and made some 345 Euros.


The Winners on the Day were.



Clarkes Bar 5, consisting of Tommy Clarke, Alan Shand, Charlie Rodgers and Nicky Dunne with a Score of Net 56.9.



Dannys bar 3, consisting of, Paul Rodgers, Brian Holmes, Alan Miller and Alan Small with a Net Score of 59.5


Thanks to everyone who supported the day  and helped make the great sum of €1302.



Top Photo. WHS Winners:


Clarke Bar 5


Tommy Clarke

Alan Shand

Charlie Rodgers

Nicky Dunne


Bottom Photo.  NON WHS Winners:


Danny’s Bar 3


Paul Rodgers

Brian Holmes

Alan Miller

Alan Small