Doctor Jorge Alió is rated 103 of the Best Medical Scientists in Spain


The professor of Ophthalmology at the UMH of Elche has once again obtained a distinguished position in the ranking of the prestigious scientific research website


‘The Ophthalmologist Power List 2023’ has already elevated Dr. Alió to the 12th position of the 100 most influential ophthalmologists in the world


The second edition of the ranking of the ‘Best Medical Scientists in Spain’ elaborated by has once again highlighted Dr. Jorge Alió among the best valued medical researchers. On this occasion, the expert in anterior segment is ranked 103 at the national level and 7,764 worldwide. This classification is published by the research, science and medicine platform, which offers reliable data on scientific contributions since 2014.


With this new recognition, the professor of Ophthalmology at the Miguel Hernández University (UMH) of Elche has once again been acknowledged for his work in the area of ​​ophthalmology, registering a D-index of 90, as well as 652 publications, 156 more than the former year; and 24,587 citations, 1,355 more than in the first edition. For its part, the ranking places Spain in the 12th position in the world, with 239 scientists.


According to the scientific website, “this classification is based on consolidated figures from various data sources, including OpenAlex and CrossRef. Bibliometric data to assess citation-based metrics was collected on December 21st, 2022. The ranking position is based on a researcher’s D-index (discipline H-index), which exclusively includes publication and citation data for each examined discipline”. In this case, the D-index threshold for accepting an academic to be examined is 70 if the majority of their publications are in the area of ​​medicine.


The methodology used by the academic portal depends on different data sources, which are correlated with each other: “we follow a rigorous inspection and verification to guarantee the validity and reliability of our classifications with the aim of promoting research spaces of high quality, as well as establishing a place for young scholars to be inspired by leading scientists”. For its preparation, the proportion of contributions made within the discipline has also been taken into account, in addition to the awards and achievements of the scientists.


Recently, Jorge Alió reached the 12th position of the 100 most influential and inspiring ophthalmologists in the world in the ranking ‘The Power List 2023‘ of the prestigious British magazine The Ophthalmologist, being the only Spanish doctor. He also appeared on the ‘Forbes’ list of the 100 best doctors in Spain, of which he is one of the six Spanish ophthalmologists mentioned. In addition, he was highlighted in an article in the Journal of Refractive Surgery as the author with the most articles published in the field of refractive surgery in the world, being also the most cited. In addition, according to the study by the academic publisher Elsevier, he is also one of the most influential researchers on an international level.


The main mission of the ‘Best Scientists in the World 2022 Ranking’ of is to inspire researchers, decision-makers, and entrepreneurs around the world to find out where leading experts are heading. To do this, they manually check every profile and post on a wide range of trusted sources. With this publication it is also intended to provide an opportunity for the entire scientific community to find out who are the leading experts in different research areas, in different countries, and within different universities and research institutions.