Italians Flying the Flag for Democracy in Valencia


In the city of Valencia, the Italian population will be the largest of the foreign electorate that will be able to vote in the municipal elections on May 28, as reported by its city council in a statement.

Specifically, there are a total of 4,850 people of nationalities other than Spanish who reside in the Valencian capital and are registered to vote in the elections taking place on 28 May.

This group is made up of 4,164 people (2,127 men and 2,037 women) from European Union countries, and 686 (368 men and 318 women) of other non-European nationalities, which, for the first time, includes those from the United Kingdom who would have been in the EU group prior to Brexit.

Collectively, they make up just 0.8% of the total electorate (579,124 people) with the right to elect representatives in municipal elections. Of this percentage, the majority group is that corresponding to people of Italian nationality, which totals 1,534 votes (distributed between 893 man and 641 women). By contrast, there are just 319 voters from the UK.

The second group in number of voters of foreign nationality are from France, with a total of 603 (282 men and 321 women). Following this group are the population from Romania (557 people) and Germany (437 people).

In the case of the non-EU countries, as mentioned, there are 319 people from the United Kingdom in Valencia, 109 from Colombia, 95 from Bolivia, 75 from Ecuador, 34 from Chile, 22 from Paraguay, another 22 from Peru; and 10 more from Cape Verde, Korea, Iceland, Norway, New Zealand, and Trinidad and Tobago.

These data are collected in the document prepared by the Statistical Office of the Valencia City Council from the file of those registered in the electoral census provided by the National Institute of Statistics (INE), which includes the movements communicated by local administrations, consulates and civil registries without including the result of the resolutions and sentences to the claims and appeals.