Torrevieja Courier Service Put to Contract Tender


Torrevieja Hospital has put out to tender the contract for the transport, messaging, correspondence and distribution service, for the Torrevieja Health Department, which includes communications both between the different health centres of the Department and with other organisations.

The contract includes the transport of all kinds of documentation, correspondence, sanitary and non-sanitary material, drugs, vaccines, clinical and biological samples, etc. To carry out this transport it is essential to have specific and specialised material, personal and organisational means, avoiding serious health care damages that could derive from its malfunction, according to the specifications.

The contract has gone out to tender with a price of 734,962.8 euro. The services included in the contract, in addition to those required between the different assistance centres of the Department of Health 22, will cover those that are required between the various services of the Torrevieja Hospital (Laboratory, Pharmacy, Blood Bank, etc…), and others centres such as the Hospital Vega Baja de Orihuela, Hospital General de Elche, Hospital Vinalopó de Elche, Hospital General de Alicante, and others.

The contract will be for a period of two years. Companies have until May 9 to present their offers. The contracting table plans to open the envelopes with the economic offers on May 30, in order to resolve the contract at the end of next month.