Bomb alert in La Vila Joiosa college


A school in La Vila Joiosa as cleared of staff and students on Tuesday morning due to a bomb warning that turned out to be false. The Civil Guard went to the college after a call that was made to the station.  After checking all the facilities and clearing all of the roomes, the students were able to return to their classes.

The situation was confirmed by municipal sources. The centre was the IES Marina Baixa in the city, located on el Carrer Doctor Fleming.

Coincidentally a check of the school security and fire alarms had been scheduled for the same morning, which could have been one of the reasons for making the false call.

This incident occurred only two days after a similar one in an IES in La Rioja. There, a child under the age of 14 is being investigated by the Civil Guard after calling the emergency telephone number 112 and saying that she had planted a bomb in the centre using a voice distorter.

It is suspected that two other minors aged 12 and 13, were also involved in the false alarm.