Celts Golf Club April Championships


We celebrated our April Championship Day at La Serena yesterday.  The weather was fantastic with 28 degrees of sunshine, with a stiff breeze to add to the challenge. The green-keeping staff have to be congratulated for their ongoing course maintenance, with the new drainage projects almost completed.  Well done Miguel and all your team.  The staff in the pro-shop have everything working like a well-oiled machine, thanks are due to Bruno, Jean, Jose and Karolina for all of their assistance.  Again, to Camillus, Alan and Terry, I am running out of superlatives, keep up the good work.  I must congratulate Denis for the array of prizes he has managed to acquire for the members. The efforts of the team on the day is appreciated by the members and guests who literally have to turn up and enjoy their golf.  To Gloria, Mari-Jose and Arrancha for the delicious bocadillos muchas gracias.

George Thomas, our Captain, was on hand to present the prizes for the month.  With regards to presentation speeches George has his down to a fine art, but he says he is saving up the minutes for his Captain’s Dinner oration. Crystal Cat I, 1st Stuart Bulling 41. 2nd Gordon Montgomery 41. 3rd Philip Vaughan 39. Cat II, 1st Ida Jensen 42, 2nd Pat McLaughlin 37 and 3rd Dave Gibson 36.   Golf Prizes, Cat I, 1st Denis McCormack 39 , 2nd John O’Brien 39 and 3rd Alan Walker 38. Cat II, 1st  Logan Nayager 41, 2nd William Stuart 38 and 3rd Bev Buckley 36.

Championship  results.  NTP’s Camillus McCormack (2), Jacki wants you to know you only won by a smidge on the last. Clive Jenkins and Tony Burns. Cat III. 1st Martin Fitzpatrick 39. 2nd Holly Thomson 39. 3rd Christine Fyfe 38.  Cat II. 1st Billy Thomson 38. 2nd Steve Hopkins 37. 3rd Jean Randell 36. Cat I. 1st Clive Jenkins 36. 2nd Camillus Fitzpatrick 36. 3rd Nick Brooks 35.  Best gross 34, Bob Smith.  2nd overall Niall Murray 41.  The winner with the fantastic result of 41 points was Bruce Boswell.   Well done to all those present who help make the day special.