Generalitat to legalise 8,000 homes built on undeveloped land in Vega Baja


The Ministry of Territorial Policy, Public Works and Mobility has published a manual of instructions that will help municipalities to legalise homes built on undeveloped land. The publication was made available by the General Director of Urban Planning, Vicent García Nebot, during a conference for mayors, councillors and staff from all Vega Baja municipalities, at a conference that was held in Orihuela

The manual consists of “a simple procedure to minimise the negative effects and territorial impact generated by illegal and isolated buildings on undeveloped land.” The objective is to regularise the state of those properties that require legalisation; that is, those that have been built before August 20, 2014 and that meet the conditions outlined in the 2019 regulations.

In the Vega Baja 7,600 single-family buildings have been catalogued, of the 194,000 that are registered across the entire Valencian Community. “We have verified that they can be legalised”, stated Nebot, who added that this is “great news”.

The legalisation of these houses that are currently in an irregular situation will facilitate access to residential uses such as water supply, sewerage, wastewater treatment and waste collection for the those built outside the legally established channels, which will help to “minimise the environmental, urban and economic problems that are currently not allowed”, he said.

Now, he maintained, “municipalities have to develop formulas for all affected residents, to inform them that they can now legalise their property and how they can do it.”

The mayoress of Orihuela, Carolina Gracia, said that in her opinion, “it is an extraordinary opportunity that is open to thousands of owners to put these buildings in order and thus get out of the legal limbo in which they find themselves .”