Changing address of your driving licence


Every fine related to driving is avoidable, simply by complying with the law. This is a reality that is directly proportional to the degree of compliance with the precepts established by the Traffic and Road Safety Law. However, it is not only when driving we can face sanctions, we can also be fined for administrative errors on our part, although, again, these too can be avoided.

As an example of this, is notifying the authorities of a change of address. If you have moved house, you will no doubt have a list of entities that must be notified, banks, Amazon, the utility companies, but we must not neglect the DGT in this case, as it is crucial we notify them of a change of address that affects us both as drivers, in the case of our licence, and vehicle keepers.

The reason is obvious, to prevent failed sending of important notifications related to our vehicle or our way of driving. In this way, any change in personal data that compromises the proper functioning of the postal delivery service must also be sent to the DGT as soon as possible, which in this case is 15 days that follow the domiciliary or personal change (as included in the General Regulations for Drivers).

Not doing so will result in a fine of up to 80 euro, and can cause all kinds of problems for you if you are notified of a fine at your previous address but cannot access it.

In order to notify the DGT of a change of address, you have three basic options, and it is free, although you can get an authorised person to do it on your behalf, which may well incur costs. This may be the best option if you struggle with Spanish.

The first is by telephone, by dialling 060, which will initiate a conversation with a teleoperator with access to the database of the National Institute of Statistics (INE) in order to check the inclusion of the new address in the register.

The other is face-to-face, either through the Provincial Traffic Headquarters of the nearest environment -always by appointment- or through the Town Halls, but this is not an option at all town halls, so you will need to check first.

The last one option, which has fast become the most popular, is through electronic means. You will need an official virtual accreditation such as cl@ve, digital certificate or an electronic DNI reader, the procedure can be carried out through the Electronic Traffic Office, Sede Electrónica de Tráfico, which you can visit at, or the General State Administration.

Another electronic option is through the MiDGT app, except in some cases such as moving from the islands to the mainland, and again you will need an authorised identity to obtain access to the app.

In any of the cases it will be necessary to present the official form duly completed, the permit or driver’s licence and the certificate of registration.

Changing your address will not require the reissuing of your driving licence, it is entirely an administrative process.

Remember though, as we have said, you have to complete this process within 15 days.

Change of address DGT