New Orihuela Police Officers Start Training


A new intake of trainees began their journey to be Local Police officers serving the Orihuela municipality.

Two courses have started, a basic course for trainee bobbies, and another for the officers category at the Valencian Institute of Public Security (Ivaspe).

The police officers attended the opening of the course, together with the Councillor for Citizen Security, Antonio Sánchez, and the Councillor of the Local Police, José María Pomares.

Antonio Sánchez has considered that “the new agents will increase the staff of the Local Police, which means the provision of a better service and greater security in our municipality.” Thus, after completing the course, required to acquire the status of agent, the workforce has increased by 11 agents and 14 officers.

The incorporation of these agents is added to the recent hiring of 15 agents who were part of a job bank. “Furthermore, the 14 officers who have started the internship course will make it possible to adapt the squad since until now there were only two serving”, Antonio Sánchez pointed out.

The councillor for Human Resources, Luisa Boné, has indicated that “these appointments are part of a series of processes that were launched from Human Resources and that have allowed for the moment to go from 87 police officers in 2019 to 148 this legislature and 2 career officers to 16”.