Two Ciudadanos Councillors, Luisa Boné and Ángel Noguera, both members of the current Orihuela Government, have been summoned by the Investigating Court of Orihuela, to answer charges against them in preliminary investigation proceedings.

The pair are being investigated for a possible crime of administrative fabrication, following a complaint filed last November by the councillors of Cambiemos, before the Anti-Corruption regarding irregularities in the contracts for the maintenance and conservation of green areas, parks and gardens in Orihuela Costa.

The summons, which was entered into the City Council register on Monday calls upon the two councillors to attend court on March 13 at 10:00 a.m. to take a statement about events that, according to the complaint, occurred when Boné was councillor for Beaches, between 2017 and 2019, and Noguera, the councillor for Infrastructure, from 2019 to the present time.

The reported events are also said to name Juan Ignacio López-Bas (Ciudadanos), Councillor for Infrastructure between 2017 and 2019; Sabina Goretti Galindo (PP), Councillor of Contracting from 2019 until the motion of censure on April 25 this year, and Francisco Manuel Sáez Sironi (PP), a member of the Contracting team, between 2017 and 2019, although the last three have not been cited as being under investigation.

The three Cambiemos Councillors, Carlos Bernabé, María García Sandoval and Javier Gracia- handed in the complaint, along with 40 documents.  The Investigating Court will now study the documents to ascertain whether the evidence constitutes a crime for prevarication and embezzlement of public funds, in a service that had been provided without a contract for more than five years.

Cambiemos also allege that many of the services that the company Actúa was engaged to undertake, were actually carried out by other companies through minor contracts or tenders, which meant paying twice for the same service”.