Learn Spanish or Get a Job at Zenia Boulevard


Following the success of previous courses, the Zenia Boulevard shopping centre are organising another Spanish course for those wishing to learn the language of Spain.

The bad news is, it’s not until May 2023, but they want to tell you now because places are limited and are quick to go.

Free 3-month mini-courses will be given at the Work Hub, located on the centre’s restaurant floor.

The classes are weekly, with a duration of 01 h 30 min per class and will be taught by a professional.

The modality will be face-to-face and the dynamic and fun method. They will be interactive classes, with games, characters and activities around the shopping centre so you can practice what you have learned.

To reserve your place, visit the customer service point at Zenia Bouevard.

Incidentally, if you are currently looking for work, the Zenia Boulevard website has a dedicated jobs board where vacancies in the centre are advertised. You can go direct to the Job Board at https://zeniaboulevard.es/en/job-board