It might seem obvious, but visibility is essential to safe driving. For this, we must keep our car in good condition, including the windscreen wipers, which, according to the DGT, should be replaced more frequently than you perhaps realise.

In time, there will be signs that indicate that we should change the blade as soon as possible. First of all, if the sweep of the wipers leaves marks, it is because the rubber of the blades is in poor condition, this is due to natural wear, often made worse by extreme changes in temperature, for this reason we must replace this accessory. On the other hand, if there are shakes and/or noise, you will also have to buy new ones.

Likewise, for these to maintain their effectiveness for a long period of time, it is essential to clean them, at least once a month, to eliminate any adherence that harms the sweep. Similarly, it is not recommended to activate the windshield wipers when the glass is frozen or accumulates a lot of dust, because the surface of the blades can be damaged.

In fact, the DGT recommends replacing the windscreen wipers every six months or, at most, every year. This way, they affirm, we will get a much cleaner and safer view.

Heat and dirt deteriorate wiper blades, which could cause structural damage to the glass or worse wiper efficiency. In addition, the DGT adds that this element in correct appearance “helps good visibility in rainy conditions or when riding on very dusty roads.” Remembering that your screen wash tank must always be full, and they even warn you to mix it with products that help improve cleaning.

The windscreen wipers perform more than 750,000 sweeps adequately during their natural life, which means cleaning the surface of almost 80 football fields. Thus, specialists also recommend replacing them once a year or when stripes and blurred surfaces are seen on the car window. Similarly, if they make noise on every movement, it is because those brushes will no longer serve their purpose, as we have mentioned.

There is a fine for failing to keep the windscreen clear, which we more often see when the windscreen hasn’t been correctly cleared of snow, ice or after a particularly dusty rainfall.

You do risk a fine of 200 euro for failing to keep your windscreen clear, so it is important that the windscreen wipers are in optimum condition to allow them to do their job.