Valencia Region Decrees Conservation and Protection of Posidonia Marina Meadows

Posidonia oceànica

The Valencia regional government has approved the Decree for the conservation of Posidonia marina meadows in the Valencian Community, which aims to regulate those uses that may affect the Posidonia oceanica meadows, Cymodocea nodosa and the biological communities of which they form part of and reconcile the activity with the protection of these marine forests.

This decree makes the Valencian Community the second autonomous community to approve a specific regulation for the protection of seagrasses.

The document also refers to the management of the remains of arribazones that reach the beaches and that constitute a natural barrier against regression, through the promotion of actions that actively contribute to their reuse.

Specifically, the objective pursued is the protection of Posidonia, a species recognised and protected by the European Habitats Directive that occupies more than 30,000 hectares in the Valencian Community.

To do this, the decree contemplates mapping the presence of Posidonia meadows with an updated cartography, as well as increasing vigilance over threats such as uncontrolled anchoring, sources of contamination or changes in salinity.