Ximo Puig announces an injection of 944 million euros

Ximo Puig announces an injection of 944 million euros
Ximo Puig announces an injection of 944 million euros

The plan contemplates 45 million euros for the self-employed most affected by the energy crisis and 50 million for companies that depend on gas and are not included in state aid

The IVF will inject 110 million in financial instruments to support companies that have suffered a drop in income

188 million will also be allocated to improving urban energy efficiency and housing, and 11 million in aid for families who install renewable energy in their homes

The reduction of at least 10% of fees, charges and public prices and the exemption of fees to fishermen for the use of ports will mean savings of 71 million for families and companies

The president of the Generalitat has assured that it is the most important aid plan launched by an autonomous community

The president of the Generalitat, Ximo Puig, has announced an injection of 944 million euro to counteract the energy emergency and reactivate economic recovery through the Reactive Plan.

This was stated during the presentation of the Valencian shock plan that includes 45 actions to give a “forceful public response” to the situation generated by the war in Ukraine and minimise its impact on the Valencian Community. For this, 342 million euro will be allocated for the implementation of new actions, and 602 million for the acceleration of investments.

The Reactive Plan will be financed with the Generalitat’s own funds, as well as with European funds and the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism, and is structured into four types of measures, among which are those aimed at fighting inflation, such as the reduction of rates and public prices at the regional level that are the responsibility of the Generalitat, which will have 71 million euro.

In addition, the plan includes complementary aid to the measures approved by the Government of Spain to compensate energy-intensive industries, the self-employed in the affected sectors and the population groups most affected by the rise in energy costs, which are they will allocate 425 million; as well as actions to increase efficiency and energy saving, to which 380 million euro will be allocated, and measures to accelerate the energy transition and evolve towards energy autonomy in the Valencian Community, which will have a total of 68 million.

During the act, the head of the Consell has assessed that it is the largest aid plan launched by the Generalitat or by any other autonomy, since it exceeds the 500 million euro of the Resist Plan or the 647 of the Resist Plus, but has also assured that it is a “first emergency regulation” that is open to the incorporation of “new actors and supplementary measures”.

Fight against inflation

Among the main measures of the plan, the president has highlighted the reduction of at least 10% of the rates, fees and public prices of regional competition, which will mean savings for Valencian families and companies of 71 million euro.

Specifically, he referred to the reduction in fees for artistic, musical and language education, which will benefit nearly 100,000 students, as well as the reduction in the price of public transport, which will have a special impact on the Alicante TRAM. In the same way, he has announced the total exemption from fees for fishermen for the use of regional ports, which will benefit 700 shipowners, 1,700 sailors and 17 brotherhoods.

In addition, he has indicated that the Generalitat will also increase, up to 30%, the energy aid bonus for vulnerable families that receive the Valencian Inclusion Income.

Support for freelancers and companies

On the other hand, the president has announced that the Generalitat will grant 45 million euro, in bonuses of 100 euro that they can receive for 3 months, for the self-employed workers most affected by the energy crisis, as well as 50 million in aid for companies that depend on gas, and that are not included in the state measures.

Similarly, he explained that the Valencian Institute of Finance (IVF) will inject 110 million in financial instruments for companies that have suffered a drop in income, including service stations; and he recalled that an increase of 10 million euro has also been planned for the item destined to discount the contracting of agricultural insurance, and 18.6 million in aid for the transformation of passenger and merchandise transport fleets.

Improved efficiency and energy savings

Among the measures aimed at improving energy efficiency, the president has announced that 11 million will be allocated in aid for families who install renewable energy in their homes for air conditioning and hot water, and an item of 188 million for the improvement of energy efficiency urban and housing, of which three million will go to municipalities at risk of depopulation.

Finally, he referred to the decree law approved last week by the Consell to simplify administrative procedures and eliminate bureaucratic obstacles to speed up the installation of renewable energy plants. It is expected that, with this new regulation, the processing time can be reduced by one year, which represents progress towards achieving energy sovereignty for the Valencian Community.

Collaboration of social agents

During his speech, the president thanked the social agents for their joint work in drawing up the Reactive Plan, and showed his confidence in Valencian society to be able to reactivate the recovery that began after the pandemic.

In this sense, he has vindicated the position of the Valencian Community as a “space for agreement and public-private dialogue”, the result of the Alcem-nos agreements reached during the pandemic, and has valued the “sense of coexistence” shown by the social agents, both to agree on the Valencian requests transferred to the Government of Spain and to draw up the Valencian shock plan.