Mojácar sports centre and indoor swimming pool concession

Mojácar sports centre and indoor swimming pool concession
Mojácar sports centre and indoor swimming pool concession

Mojácar Council has, at an extraordinary session, approved the contract for the operating concession for the sports centre and indoor swimming pool, as well as the specific administrative clause and technical requirement terms and conditions which will govern said contract.

Once confirmed, prior pertinent reports, that Mojácar Council cannot carry out this service on not having sufficient means for fulfilling the purpose for which it was created, there followed, in compliance with the requirements in the Public Sector Contracts Regulation, the concession of the operating service.

The aim of this contract is to carry out the management, operation and maintenance of the municipal sports centre and indoor swimming pool sports facilities, as well at the management of the sports services carried out at the facilities’ complex.

The allocation will be an open procedure, in which any interested businessperson will be able to present a proposal. The allocation of the contract will be carried out using a variety of allocation criteria on the basis of the best value for money, in accordance with that established in the clauses. It will have a duration of four years and two possible extensions of a maximum of two.

The programme of activities which will have to be carried out will be, at a minimum, the creation of sports programmes and offering complementary services for users; offers of free activities, directed at and orientated to free time, keep fit and sports training, as well as programmes to promote swimming. In any case, the sports offer will be different to that already offered by Mojácar Council as part of its Municipal Sports Schools programme.

The sports facility as a whole will have to be open every day of the year. In July, August and September, the last week of June and from the 24th December to the 7th January, from 8am to 1pm and from 4-10pm, Monday to Friday, and Saturdays from 9am to 2pm.

The rest of the year, from Monday to Friday from 9am to 1pm and from 6-10pm, Saturdays from 9am to 2pm.

A Monitoring Commission will be set up, its general function to ensure compliance with these specifications, and specifically, to give the go-ahead to various matters, such as the facility’s use plan, the programme of activities, the sports promotion proposal, annual accounts and financial balance, among others.