Not many years ago members looked forward to matches on the Eden stretch of the Rio Seguro, they were usually evenly contested with many pegs capable of producing winning weights and you could almost guarantee that everyone caught something.

Sadly, this is no longer the case and even when conditions are reasonable, the fishing is extremely hard.

Whether this is due to the of Blue Crabs that invaded the river a few years ago (fortunately they now seem to have disappeared) or some other reason, no one knows, but whatever the cause, the fishing is now poor with almost half of those fishing todays Carp-R-Us match not catching.

One person who did find a few fish was Roy Buttress who had 3.63kg from peg 2 using feeder and corn. Second, from peg 7 was Roy Dainty with 2.40kg using pole and corn.

Third was Jeremy Fardoe with 2.32kg caught using pole and bread on peg 18.28kg caught on 14 and fourth was Steve Fell with 0.15kg from peg 6.

For more information, visit our website

Take care in the heat this weekend