Garden Felix – Gladioli

Garden Felix - Gladioli
Garden Felix - Gladioli

Gladioli – often called Sword Lillies due to their long, pointed leaves –  have distinctive tall flower spikes emerge in the summer months,  coming in a range of colours.

Perfect for bringing colour to a sunny border or in containers, an excellent cut flower, requiring good draining soil and full sun with the originating from hot, dry climates, including the Mediterranean.

Plant gladioli in spring. If you’re planning to use them for successional colour, plant a handful – a week apart – from March onwards, to extend the colourful display.

Water well during the growing season with a tomato or comfrey feed every two weeks. It’s advisable to stake the plants, before the flower spike emerges, for support.

Maintain the gladioli flowering, by dividing clumps every few years in autumn, as this will avoid weaker plants of fewer, or no flowers at all.