A chance meeting on a Bus Trip

A chance meeting on a Bus Trip
A chance meeting on a Bus Trip

Together with my wife Mary, I recently took a trip to south west Spain where a five day break  allowed us to meet up with two lovely ladies who were wearing facemasks of their own manufacture, bearing a poppy. All their hard work was aimed at raising money for the RBL poppy appeal which we picked up on. So we thought, due to the pandemic making the wearing of masks, mandatory, why not try and sell as many as we can.

The two ladies sourced the material from charity shops and set out to make the masks in two sizes. The embroidery of the poppy is very professional and the facemasks also bear the words “Lest we forget” which are applied to the side.

To date we have managed to sell 28 of the masks bringing in €140 for the poppy appeal for which Sheila and Shona should be very proud.

So, well done ladies for all your hard work in support of our veterans and their families.