After extending the closure of the Valencian Community for a second week, the president of the Generalitat, Ximo Puig, has ruled out adopting home confinement in the Valencian Community “at this time.”,
His refusal came on the day that Asturias saw it’s own request rejected by central government.
Puig, during a visit to Orihuela for the opening of the CHS headquarters in the city, pointed out that “at the moment we are not in a situation that requires such a measure, but he then went on to qualify his statement by saying that “health comes first.”
He said that he preferred “to be reasonable as there are still many uncertainties.”
“We hope that we will never reach the situation of home confinement but health is more important than any other issue,” stating that “the decisions taken in the future must be reasonable, balanced and cannot be made in a compulsive “.
The President was in Orihuela to opens the headquarters of the new CHS office in the city which he attended with the mayor of Orihuela, Emilio Bascuñana, the president of the Segura Hydrographic Confederation, Mario Urrea, and the sub-delegate of the Government in Alicante, Araceli Poblador.
Urrea said “The purpose of this office is to better serve users, mainly the irrigators of the Vega Baja, which will now allow the Confederation to have a continuous and permanent headquarters in the territory to address problems more effectively and efficiently.”
Puig, thanked the Orihuela Council for providing the accomodation and thus “being able to work together in the Administrations to achieve the best quality of service to citizens. Segura is part of us all and that is why today we celebrate that it’s security in the Valencian Community, in institutional terms, is today better strengthened”.