Mojácar’s Municipal nursery reopens

Mojácar’s Municipal nursery reopens
Mojácar’s Municipal nursery reopens

Mojácar municipal “Garabatos” Nursery has opened its doors again following the enforced stop brought on by the health crisis, with just over fifty little ones of up to three years of age getting back into their usual routine.

The Nursery will be keeping up all their normal activities following the set of recommendations sent out to all Centres by the Ministry of Education, which include preventive and hygienic measures that will need to adapt to any arising changes deemed necessary by the Health Authorities.

Prior to opening, all staff had to pass a Covid test and the Centre itself went through an in-depth disinfection of the facilities including all items used by the children such as mats, toys, educational materials.

There will be the same number of classrooms, with no changes to the number of teachers or staff to pupil ratios. The five classrooms will form their own little safe social groups, without joint activities or contact between them so that if any incident is detected, necessary measures can be taken immediately without affecting the others. Similarly, teachers will not have contact with other teachers or the rest of groups and, all areas and materials will be completely disinfected between usage.

Parents will not be able to enter the Centre as well as their buggies or prams and, the children will be taken from the entrance to their group by their monitor. Due to their young age, the children will not have to wear masks and everything else should seem the same for them including the refectory service and nap time for the smallest ones.

The Nursery has not needed to make many adaptations as most of the recommendations were already in place before the pandemic, although the cleaning and disinfection plan will be reinforced significantly throughout the day.

Day to day running will be under the supervision of the members of a Covid-19 Commission, made up from the Centre Director, Council and Education representatives and a link person from the Medical Centre. Direct contact will also be kept with the Health Department’s Epidemiology Section and with the Occupational Risks Unit.

After Mojácar’s little ones become the first to join the academic year, next week it will be the turn of the older ones heading back to the Bartolomé Flores and Rey Alabez Schools.