Sildenafil – A Surprising Ally in Improving Quality of Life 

Sildenafil – A Surprising Ally in Improving Quality of Life 
Sildenafil – A Surprising Ally in Improving Quality of Life 

Medical conditions and illnesses do not have to impact the quality of our lives, but they end up doing it anyway. In conditions, such as erectile dysfunction (ED), the impact on the quality of life has become an important tool of evaluation in determining how urgently a therapeutic intervention is needed.

If you feel like your quality of life is being affected by ED, you know you need to seek medical help immediately.

In addition to acceptance and therapy, finding ways to overcome the condition also helps in improving the quality of your life. And one of the ways to treat ED is via sildenafil 50mg UK.

Let’s learn more about how ED affects the quality of life in men and their partners and how sildenafil can help.

What is Quality of Life?

Semantics Scholar defines the quality of life as “The concept of quality of life broadly encompasses how an individual measure the ‘goodness’ of multiple aspects of their life. These evaluations include one’s emotional reactions to life occurrences, disposition, sense of life fulfillment and satisfaction, and satisfaction with work and personal relationships (Diener, Suh, Lucas, & Smith, 1999). In the literature, the term ‘quality of life’ is also often referred to as ‘well-being’.”

Since satisfaction with personal relationships is a major part of the quality of life, ED often ends up disrupting it.

How Erectile Dysfunction Affects the Quality of Life

Millions of people around the world find their quality of life impacted by ED. Most of the effects of ED are psychological which include low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, marital tension, and problems in the relationship.

Many studies have noted that ED directly leads to an increase in the intake of psychiatric drugs, deteriorating mental and physical health, emotional vitality, and health in general.

ED also leads to dissatisfaction between the partners, and create further tension and stress in a relationship and a challenging environment at home.

In some cases, ED also increases the risk factor of other medical conditions and this too leads to a negative quality of life. The condition of ED is the direct result of blood vessel disorders. This means, there are several more conditions associated with the condition, such as hypertension, heart diseases, and type 2 diabetes mellitus.

ED also shows an increase in smoking and alcohol consumption in many people, which once again, is detrimental to the quality of life.

Treating Erectile Dysfunction and Quality of Life using Sildenafil  

ED shows a considerable negative impact on the quality of life of both, the individual suffering from the condition and their partners. Thus. proving time and again that treatment should be encouraged. One way to treat ED is with the prescription drug, Sildenafil.

The intake of Sildenafil improves blood flow in the prostate region during sexual stimulation. Keep in mind that the medication works only when you are aroused. 

While ED is not a life-threatening condition, it still impacts men’s general wellbeing, relationships, and quality of life.