The British Benevolent Fund has launched an emergency appeal to raise funds to deal with the impact of the coronavavirus.

The BBF which which has been providing financial assistance to those U.K citizens in Spain without resources for nearly 90 years has seen a dramatic increase both in the number and scope of cases being dealt with.

The pandemic and subsequent lockdown has not only created a medical emergency but also an ongoing financial one for individuals and families.

Throughout the lockdown the BBF has remained fully operational and has responded to the surge in requests for financial assistance directly, through the British consular network as well as partner charities across Spain.

As with all cases, the BBF reacts speedily and with compassion to all applications for help.

Sarah-Jane Morris, the British Consul Madrid said, “The British Embassy and the BBF have been working together to support British nationals in Spain for over one hundred years but never as intensively as this moment in time. The BBF is pulling out all the stops to support British nationals in Spain who are struggling as a result of coronavirus lockdown.

For those British nationals trying to return to the UK who are struggling financially the BBF is providing grants for travel and subsistence. For those stranded here or who live here but have lost their livelihood at the moment they have been providing temporary grants to help with bills, accommodation and other basic necessities”.

Julie Wood who heads the Case Support Committee highlighted the difference that compared to the pre-lockdown grants; “costs are higher for flights and public transport is limited or totally absent,” whilst the

increase in cases coming are “due to an increase in people who are financially desperate”.

John Scott, O.B.E, Chairman of the BBF said that the Coronavirus Appeal “will help the BBF to deliver much needed financial assistance to people, many of whom have found themselves, through no fault of their own, without income and no place to turn”

All funds raised go towards helping people through this period including funding UK repatriations, payments to meet medical expenses, grants to pay for household utilities, rental payments as well as for food.

“More than ever the BBF volunteers need donations to help those who are really struggling during this very challenging and uncertain time. I hope you can help in any way you can.”


For more information & to make a donation:

Coronavirus Emergency Appeal
