RNA Chairman Stands Down

Paul Edwards stood down from the post of Chairman
Paul Edwards stood down from the post of Chairman

Paul Edwards stood down from the post of Chairman of the Royal Naval Association Torrevieja Branch at their AGM on 4th March 2020.

The members saluted Paul for steering the ship through the branches voyage over the last 5 years.

The branch committee including the Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Social Secretary and Welfare Coordinator give a big thanks to Paul as Chairman for aiding the branch in increasing the membership and social events over the last 5 years.

A quote from Paul about his time as Chairman is:

“I have enjoyed being Chairman and would have continued except for the fact that during the past year my attendance to meetings and social events has been limited due to other commitments and illness.

I felt that I was not giving the Association my full attention and it was unfair to continue when I knew the situation was not about to improve overnight.

Besides, after about 5 years in the Chair , it is a good time for another member to take up the mantle and I feel sure that the new Chairman will bring the required enthusiasm to enable the Association to continue to go from strength to strength.

The most important thing I adhered to when I was in the Chair was to listen carefully to what everyone had to say, then from this information come to a decision myself. Communication is the key with our members and after removing emotions a correct decision can be made.

Needless to say, that without the support of a good Committee (thanks to Danny – the Vice Chairman) nothing would have been achieved.

I am now looking forward to attending meetings and social events including the Menu del Dia’s as a simple “Jolly Jack” and will remain involved with the Branch”.

All the branch shipmates bid him farewell as Captain of the ship and welcome him as a valued crew member of the branch.

The Royal Naval Association Torrevieja Branch welcome military and non-military personnel into our socially friendly and engaging organization, contact: Chairman, Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Membership Secretary, Danny Kay on Tel 966716274 or email rosendanes@yahoo.co.uk. The Secretary is Margaret Forshaw on Tel 966 921 996, or visit our website www.rnatorrevieja.com