Dolores, Daya Nueva and Daya Vieja to share local police

Dolores, Daya Nueva and Daya Vieja to share local police
Dolores, Daya Nueva and Daya Vieja to share local police

The Generalitat has said that it intends to pool the Local Police resources from Dolores, Daya Nueva and that of Daya Vieja, and provide the three neighbouring municipalities with a joint force.

With their combined residents below 40,000 and lacking the individual resources to provide Local Police services, sharing would seem to be the obvious step. The General Director of Local Administration of the Generalitat, Antoni Such, has discussed this matter with the mayor of Dolores, Joaquín Hernández and the conclusion is that a joint force will see an improvement in the service they can provide.

The Vega Baja police forces in Cox and Granja de Rocamora are already benefitting from a combined forcé.