Two drivers injured by falling palm tree in Orihuela

Two drivers injured by falling palm tree in Orihuela
Two drivers injured by falling palm tree in Orihuela

Two people have been injured after a palm tree has fallen on their vehicles while driving along the CV-91 road at La Campaneta, the road linking Orihuela and Almoradí.

Several other cars were also involved in the incident with the Policia Local closing the road for about two hours.

The incident lasted from eight to ten in the morning at which time it was subsequently reopened.

As the result of the falling palm tree a second vehicle then collided with the first.

A Basic Life Support Unit (SVB), was on the scene where it assisted a 26-year-old man, occupant of the first vehicle, and a 42-year-old woman, who was traveling in the second car.

The two injured were transferred by ambulance to the Vega Baja Hospital for shock and bruises.