Crimes escalate in La Herrada – despite Los Montesinos Policia patrol

Crimes escalate in La Herrada - despite Los Montesinos Policia patrol
Crimes escalate in La Herrada - despite Los Montesinos Policia patrol

By Andrew Atkinson

Two young children have been left heartbroken – and in tears – after their bicycles were stolen in Los Montesinos.

“The children are heartbroken – as the bicycles were presents from Santa,” Colette Hills told The Leader.

A boy’s black and orange bicycle and girl’s blue and white bicycle, along with their cycling helmets, were stolen outside a bar on La Herrada urbanisation.

The latest incident occurred after the bicycles were left outside a bar near to Dialprix Supermarket. Chained-up bicycles have also been stolen from gardens.

During 2019, as in previous years, burglaries and thieves have been ongoing within La Herrada urbanisation – and surrounding areas.

In December burglaries took place, in both house break-ins, and garage/shed thefts – with three houses burgled in Calle Chumbera alone.

The Leader reported one household on La Herrada being ransacked by burglars last year – having used a car-jack to rip out a security window grill.

The Los Montesinos Policia patrol La Herrada, but thieves remain on top of the game – as crimes escalate – with car break-ins also occurring.

“Things seem to be getting quite bad around here lately,” Geraldine McIlroy told The Leader.

La Herrada resident Geraldine, burgled within four months of arriving in Los Montesinos, said: “I don’t feel safe anymore. “It’s getting out of hand – I often don’t feel safe. Hopefully the children will get their bikes back.”