LA MARINA REPORT by Barry Latham

Celebrating 30 years at La Marina Bowls Club
Celebrating 30 years at La Marina Bowls Club

Hope you all had a good Christmas and celebrated the new decade well and truly and, of course, helped our Spanish friends celebrate the Three Kings. I hope you are all keeping your New Year Resolutions.  I hear Dave McGaw wants his bowling to be better than how Newcastle United play football. That should be an easy one!

Here comes the second half of our bowls season and I wish everyone the best of luck but most of all enjoy but don´t forget to practice. I have one report left over from last year. In the Winter League we played Greenlands away and drew six all. John Rae, Dave McGaw Carol Smith and Mo Taylor won 20 – 14.

Another winner was Karen Kirk, Jeff Collins; Jeff Halfhyde and Allan Wilcock 18 – 16 and our Vice captain, Don Fowkes led Garth Slater, Jean Fowkes and Kath Manning to a 16 – 14 victory. Only four shots in the overall score but unfortunately it went to them.  2020 didn`t start too well when Javea came down to play us. Lovely seeing old friends but not so good losing 12 – 2.

Had a very tasty meal afterwards and a good natter to people.  In many ways that is what Winter League is all about- good friendship. We did have one winning rink and that was skipped by Shirley Hadaway with Phill Pape, Mike Smith and Mo Kidd backing her up to a 22 – 12 win.

Good to hear that Mo Barker, one of our first player in the Club, is out of hospital after having a new hip.