Studio32 Charity Donations

Studio32 Charity Donations
Studio32 Charity Donations

‘Studio32 Musical Theatre Company are pleased to announce that as a result of ticket sales from our 2019 winter show ‘Dracula Spectacula’, We have been able to purchase four de-choking devices to be used in local schools and nurseries.

The devices were presented by Philip Wilson (Chairman of Studio32) to David Vives Gil, Councillor for the Arts and Culture, San Fulgencio. (pictured)

In addition to this Studio32 also donated monies to Cruz Roja in recognition of their help to families affected by the floods this autumn, Caritas, to assist them with their work with the homeless people in the area and San Fulgencio music school, to help buy instruments to encourage children to take up music.

These donations are only possible due to the people of this area buying tickets to our shows. We hope to continue in this vain in 2020 and we are now selling tickets for our next show which will be the Rodgers and Hammerstein Hollywood Blockbuster ‘South Pacific’.

The show will run from Wednesday 27th to Saturday 30th of May at the Cardenal Belluga Theatre, San Fulgencio. To book your tickets call Philip on 602 617 848 or email: ‘