RNA Torrevieja Branch Socialise at Menu del Dia

RNA Torrevieja Branch Socialise at Menu del Dia
RNA Torrevieja Branch Socialise at Menu del Dia

The RNA Torrevieja Branch members sail towards the end of 2019 in Los Montesinos with another social ‘get-to-gether’ at restaurante Rincon de Miguel for Menu del Dia on Wednesday 20th November.

The ‘hub-bub’ of chit-chat was building to crescendo level as everyone seemed to be enjoying the conversation as much as the food and proving why these gatherings are so popular.

Of course, there was the ‘traditional’ raffle prior to the ‘farewells-until-we-meet-again’.

Photos of this event and more information can be found at www.rnatorrevieja.com

We welcome non-military personnel into our socially friendly and engaging group as Associate Members, so give us a call: Chairman Paul Edwards on 618644934, Membership Secretary, Danny Kay  on Tel 966716274 or email rosendanes@yahoo.co.uk  or the Secretary Margaret Forshaw on Tel 966921996.