Celts Golf Society at La Serena

Celts Golf Society at La Serena
Celts Golf Society at La Serena

Yesterday was Championship day for November at our home course of La Serena.  We had 82 players on the day another fantastic turnout  The weather for this time of the year was quite pleasant but the wind got up later on in the day and made the course that little bit more challenging. These days do not run themselves, there is a team of people who all work together to make the event such a success.

The competitions committee under the guidance of Camillus Fitzpatrick and ably assisted by Philip Mountford and Terry Fitzgerald.  Thank you and well done.  To the golf shop with Karolina, Jose and Paul looking after our every need.

To Vanessa, Marijose, Vanessa and Gloria in the bar and restaurant muchos gracias por todo.  A special mention must go to the course management team led by Wayne, the course of late has been in excellent condition especially the greens thank you all.

The  Crystal winners, Robert Smith 38, Pat Baker 38 and Alan Ewing 37points.  Gordon Montgomery 39, Pat Baker 38 and Alan Ewing 37.  Prizes  David Sommerville 36, John Nixon 36 and  Philip Mountford 35. Steven Hopkins 40, Edward Wall 40 and Terry Lewis 40.  Medals, October Cat I Camillus Fitzpatrick 71. Cat II Tony Edwards 69 and Cat III Michael O’Connell 74.  November Cat I Tony Head 73. Cat II William Thomson 74 and Cat III Christine Fyfe 77.

Results of the day, the NTP’s.John Doyle O’Brien, Thomas McEwan, Dave Sommerville and Kenny McGeehan. The visitors prize was won by Andy Baker on 36. Cat. III Graham Lewis 34, John Nixon 31 and Aideen Considine 30.  Cat II Gordon Montgomery 33, Kevin Fitzpatrick 33 Spencer Andrews 33. Cat I.Alex McIntyre 37, Terry Fitzgerald 32 and Kenny McGeehan 32.

The gross was won John Doyle O’Brien on 27  Second overall  with 37 Robert Smith and the winner with 39 points Kjell Mundheim.  Again a big thank you to Jim Hayes our captain for his entertaining quips, he went easy on me at his penultimate event for his year..  Jim you do a great job in promoting the Club and inviting our members to wear their club shirt.

We had a number of spot prizes especially for those wearing their shirts at the presentation. Well done to all the winners and congratulations to so many who remained behind to honour those who won a prize.

Our next major event is our Christmas Hamper followed by our General Meeting and then our Dinner Dance in the clubhouse.  Make sure you notify Camillus who you are playing with on the day. We have a waiting list in operation at the moment for membership at La Serena, however membership of The Celts is always available.

If you would like information on joining our club or entering a team in any of the federation events why not send an e-mail to johnobrienalicante@gmail.com or call 615466398