Suzi4fitz performances net a thousand euros for underprivileged

Suzi4fitz performances net a thousand euros for underprivileged
Suzi4fitz performances net a thousand euros for underprivileged

On Thursday 13th November, Suzi4fitz fitness and dance group were pleased to donate the sum of 1000 euros to the Mayor and Director of Social Services at Los Montesinos Town Hall.

The money will be used  to purchase emergency food vouchers for underprivileged families in the town. It was raised through various activities by the group including a Sponsored New Year´s Day dip in the sea, Car Boot Sale and raffles at various social events.

This brings the total the group has raised since 2014 to 9000 euros. Their 2018 donation of 4000 euros was used to buy two hospital beds, 3 walking frames and chocolates for the children at Christmas.

Suzi4fitz have raised this amount mainly through sales of tickets to their 3 dance shows, which they have performed in the towns Music School Auditorium. Next year 2020, March 12th and 13th, they will be performing again in their next show ´Lets Dance´! Please come along and support us.

The ladies have been rehearsing these last few months to perfect their moves to make their next show the best ever! Tickets will be available in the New Year and cost will be 10 euros each. It will be a great evening of entertainment compared by the fabulous local magician Graeme Mikal.

To reserve your tickets go to Suzi4fitz Facebook page and leave a private message or email