Mountain of Waste – Letter to the Editor

Mountain of Waste - Letter to the Editor
Mountain of Waste - Letter to the Editor

Dear Sir,

I have spoken to Helen Akerman and the Claro Team about the great piles of rubbish that accumulate in the car park in front of Edificio Triana, a community of forty two flats on Calle Jupiter, La Florida, just behind the Emerald Isle.

My name is Sam Hart and I act as president for the block of flats which has a dustbin outside, to the right of its front gate, in an area of car parking spaces.

Unfortunately it seems as though the car parks have been designated as a dumping ground for people from all over the la Florida area and beyond who bring their rubbish in cars, vans and large vehicles comprising old kitchen furniture, toilets, bidets, water heaters, old sofas and general household rubbish.

Initially it was dumped around the dustbin but it now spreads out to cover several car parking spaces, obstructs the footpaths and blocks access to wheelchair ramps.

These people clearly regard the place as a dumping ground and have no consideration for those of us who live in the flats or the area generally.

I complained several times to Claro when Bob Houliston was councillor for the coast but things hve only got worse as sometime later a bottle bank was introduced which only served to reinforce people’s perception of the site as a dump.

I have submitted complaints on the appropriate forms, in Spanish, with the help of the manager of Urbagest, the community administrators, and taken them to the appropriate office in the Ayuntamiento, but received no acknowledgement or response.

I suggested that they could reposition the bottle dank in the car park at The Emerald Isle where there is plenty of room. This could be done very easily.

There are many more appropriate places to accumulate green waste, but nothing is taken up by the council.

Is it legal for our administrators to fund a notice pointing out that we are not a rubbish dump?

For the most part the bottle bank is used by the Emerald Isle and by people from outside the community and as the bin becomes quickly overfilled the rubbish is just distributed around the car parking areas in a very careless manner.

Yours Sincerely

Sam Hart