Busters Golf Society Lee Barber Memorial shield

Photo of 2018 winner Graham ball presenting the shield to 2019 winner Ian Allison.
Photo of 2018 winner Graham ball presenting the shield to 2019 winner Ian Allison.

This September our Lee Barber memorial shield was played at an old favourite of ours Alenda Golf, the course was as usual in excellent condition and a very good test of golf, Alenda has great staff great everything however due to their 2020 price structure this course has set its price possibly too high for many societies.

Nineteen players teed off for the game in very good weather conditions, our nearest the pins were, on the 3rd John Rush, the 5th along with the 12th hole  was taken by Peter List, Ray Pollock won the 16th all nearest the pins received a sleeve of golf balls

Our best front nine was won by John Rush who received a sleeve of golf balls and our best back nine being taken by Gilly Gilbert who also received golf balls our third place with thirty-three points was won by Martin Collins winning a bottle of Rioja

Our runner up with thirty-four points was Brian Ead taking home Red and white wines, but with an excellent thirty-six points our Shield winner for 2019 was Ian Allison taking home a bottle of Bacardi and a mini replica of the shield.

I have to say well done to all players, and congratulations to Ian Allison who over the past three years has managed to win all of our three trophies, not forgetting our soccer card winner who selected Chelsea, Kjell Svenson.

With three games to go in Busters 2019 season, there is a close-run now for our player of the year competition and this is when the competition starts hotting up.

Our next meeting will be at Alto Real another old favourite of ours, a course which over the past five years has improved significantly.

Barry Grinsell