Orihuela fines triple for illegally dumping green waste

Orihuela fines triple for illegally dumping green waste
Orihuela fines triple for illegally dumping green waste

The Department of Road Cleaning in Orihuela is currently dealing with 51 prosecutions of individuals who have illegally dumped green waste on public roads, an unfortunately all too common image on the streets of the Orihuela Costa.

The events have largely occurred during the summer months, bringing with them hundreds of denuncias from local residents. A total of 35 prosecutions have already been resolved and 16 are ongoing, triple the number of a year ago.

Fines for violating the ordinance range from 701 euros for minor and first time offences, up to 1,500 for repeat offenders, while infractions that are considered to be very serious can attract fines of up to 3,000 euros.

A large number of the offenders are small gardening companies that have dumped their waste next to rubbish containers, having carried out small contracted tasks.

Since last Easter the fines have multiplied. “We have found five sites in the coastal area, where gardeners and individuals have left their green waste, simply dumping it on the streets,” said the councillor for Street Cleaning, Dámaso Aparicio, who appealed to all residents for information of offenders, so they too can be prosecuted and the practise stopped.