Top 8 Reproductive Health Concerns Facing Women Today

Mojácar  council organises a first aid in the family course
Mojácar  council organises a first aid in the family course

Female Reproductive health comprises of vaginal hygiene, problems relating to fertilization, contraception issues, uterus (womb) problems and STD’s. Every woman should take proper care of her body to avoid any medical issues related to the reproductive system. For this, one should find a doctor at Docprime who is trustworthy and visit him/her at regular intervals.

Here is the common Reproductive Health Concerns Faced Women Today:

  • Endometriosis (Abnormal growth of endometrial cells)

Endometriosis is a very common medical condition for women all around the world. It is a health issue where the tissue lining of the uterus/womb (where the baby grows in the woman’s body during the pregnancy period) begins to grow outside the uterine cavity. In simple terms, under this disorder the lining is seen in other body parts such as the ovary, gall bladder, behind the uterus, on the bowels, stomach etc.  It very rarely tends to grow on other parts of the body.

The incorrectly located tissue can lead to pain (in the lower back, stomach or pelvic area), infertility in women and also heavy menstruation cycles. A few women also have problems in conceiving a child

If not treated on a timely basis, it can also result in immature death.

  • Gynecologic Cancer

Generally, Gynecologic Cancer is a broader term used for the various types of cancers related to the female reproductive organs. In simple terms, such cancers begin from the woman’s reproductive system. This includes endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer, vaginal cancer, vulva cancer, cancer of the cervix, uterine wall (sarcoma) cancer and fallopian tube cancer.

  • Uterine leiomyomas or fibroids

It is commonly known as Uterine Fibroids. They are a type of tumor which grows in a female’s uterus / womb. They tumors are generally not cancerous (benign) and grow during the childbearing age. These noncancerous tumors consists of grow in unusual places that cause various health issues.

Though many women don’t have any medical signs representing the aliment, some experience heavy and painful menstrual cycles. If these fibroids are large in size, then they may exert pressure on the gall bladder resulting in a frequent urge to urinate. Also, fibroids might lead to pain during sexual intercourse or occasional lower back pains.

Sometimes, they pose issues for women at the time of conceiving a child, but it is very rare. A female may have one of many several uterine fibroids. If not treated timely and when the condition worsens, they can lead to infertility, miscarriage, and also early labor.

  • PCOS

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome commonly known as PCOS is a very common female reproductive problem. If figures are to be believed, every 1 in 5 women suffer from PCOS.

It takes place when the ovaries of a woman start making much more testosterone (a human hormone) than the normal desired amount. In simple terms, it is a medical condition where in the woman’s levels of sex hormones including estrogen and progesterone are imbalanced.

Some of the common symptoms of PCOS include infertility, pain the pelvic area, irregular menstrual cycles, excessive growth of hair in different parts of body (such as face, chest, stomach, thumbs, or toes), acne, pimples, oily skin, hair thinning or baldness, skin patches, blackening of the skin and dandruff.

In addition to this PCOS may also lead to a number of heart-related diseases and cancer. Both of them if not given proper medical attention may prove to be fatal.

  • Bladder pain syndrome

Painful bladder syndrome is medically known as interstitial cystitis. It is a chronic medical condition that affects the bladder severely. Under this condition, the person experiences extreme pain in and around the bladder. It also leads to discomfort in the pelvic area. The bladder pressure may be mild, discomforting, or severe depending upon the condition.

It basically takes place on the gall bladder wall’s innermost lining develops an inflammation. It is usually a difficult situation to diagnose. Also, it has certain medical treatments that can relive the person from pains, but there is no permanent cure to it.

Generally, interstitial cystitis affects lakhs of females all across the globe, a small amount of males also suffer from this chronic problem.

A few individuals experience some common symptoms such as pain in the abdomen, pelvic discomfort, urge to urinate frequently, tenderness.

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6) Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

Typically, Sexually Transmitted Diseases are infections that one can acquire when indulging in sexual intercourse with an infected person. However, it also spreads through same injection needles used in hospitals and medical institutes. STD’s are generally caused due to a number of different bacteria as well as viruses.

Though both the genders are affected by the menace of STD’s, the health and medical conditions of women are much more severe. If an expecting mother is suffering from any type of STD, there are high chances of the baby being affected too and also posing serious health concerns for the child in future.

7) Sexual Abuse and Mental Health

Sexual violence and abuse refers to sexual activity without mutual consent between the partners. In simple terms it means indulging with someone forcefully without his/her permission. It is not a gender related problem, but can happen to anyone regardless of their gender.

However, women have been facing sexual abuse since ages and the problems have only worsened recently. Sexual violence affects the growth, peace and mental health of an individual that ultimately affects the reproductive system.

As per various reports and studies, women experience more mental issues as compared to men. This includes anxiety, depression, anger problems, as well as somatic complaints

8) HIV and AIDS

Human immunodeficiency virus commonly known as HIV can spread through breast milk. Thus, mothers affected by this virus should not breastfeed their child.

It affects particular cells of the immune system. With time, this Virus has the capacity to plenty of vital cells in the body and adversely affects the immunity. Once a person is found to be HIV positive, he/she has HIV forever. Though there are treatments, but there is no permanent cure. HIV can affect the reproductive system of females and some cannot even bear children.

HIV is the path to acquiring Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). It is the late stage of HIV. Here the individual’s immune system is almost completely damaged to fight the virus.

If you are facing any of the above mentioned reproductive issues, it is essential that you find a doctor and start medication immediately. It is important to find a doctor who is experienced enough to help you fight these medical issues and lead a healthy life.

Image: Photo by Nathan Cowley from Pexels