Minors now need parental authorisation to travel abroad

Teenager looking at flight board
Teenager looking at flight board

With effect from 1 September unaccompanied minors, or those travelling with third parties, must carry with them a travel permit signed by their parents.

The new instruction, which was first issued in July, is intended to increase the safety of youths and children.

In addition to their ID or passport, all young people must now have a signed declaration of travel, a form that can be obtained from the Police, the Civil Guard, courts, notaries, town halls or consulates.

In July, the Ministry of the Interior issued an instruction to increase the security of young people with which it intends to protect them from kidnap or trafficking as well as increasing the protection of their personal data.

The instruction, issued by the Secretary of State for Security, unifies the control systems at the border posts and details the way by which checks must carried out before children can either leave or enter a country.

Whilst the Spanish press report that the form and regulations are also accessible on the website at this link.

They also state that, In the case of foreign minors residing in Spain, their legal representatives must go to their consular authorities to complete the documentation.

The Leader has been in contact with the British Embassy in Madrid who issued the following statement:

Minors travelling from Spain

From 1 September 2019, Spanish minors and foreign minors resident in Spain under the age of 18 years old may need written authorisation by a parent or legal guardian if a minor is travelling unaccompanied, with a third party or other circumstances. This is in addition to a valid travel document.

British consulates do not provide travel authorisation documents. If a certified authorisation is required, you will need to seek the services of a public notary or other competent authority in Spain. Parents and legal guardians of Spanish minors are also able to obtain a certified authorisation form at a national police station or at the Guardia Civil.