Ciudadanos Torrevieja demand Local Police Station in La Mata.

Ciudadanos Torrevieja demand Local Police Station in La Mata.
Ciudadanos Torrevieja demand Local Police Station in La Mata.

The establishment of a permanent local police station and the authorization of a PROP (Citizens) office in La Mata are the two latest demands made by the C’s spokeswoman, Pilar Gómez Magán, this week.

The councillor has written a letter to the Mayor requesting the opening of a permanent local police station in La Mata and the establishment of an office of the PROP in the local town hall.

She says that the requests have been made following complaints that Ciudadanos has received from residents and tourists in La Mata regarding the lack of security and permanent police patrols in this area of ​​the city. They say that it is absolutely necessary that the town has a permanent checkpoint of the local police and a patrol that guarantees urgent assistance, especially in summer when there is a large influx of visitors to the area.

The councillor has also asked the Mayor, Eduardo Dolón to open a PROP (Citizens) office in the La Mata town hall to avoid people having to travel into the centre of Torrevieja for the completion of administrative procedures that could be dealt with locally.