Tranquility Ladies Lodge Reach Out

Tranquility Ladies Lodge Reach Out
Tranquility Ladies Lodge Reach Out

On Friday 21st June a group of Ladies from The Lodge of Tranquility Ladies Masonic presented a new Clothes Washing Machine and Toaster to Extiende La Mano.

A previous washing machine, which was located next to the office area, had been grinding on worn bearings for some time and the cost to repair was more than the cost of a new machine. The Ladies arrived in the nick of time and brought some normality back to the office.

The Comedor uses toasters every day providing part of the Breakfast meal and these need frequent replacement due to the high useage.

After a tour of the facility in Calle Bella Antonia, the photo shows Wendy Sharpe, Past Master of the Lodge with some of the Lodge Ladies receiving a Certificate of thanks from Lynn Young who looks after the Homeless and Comedor in Reach Out.

Our thanks is conveyed to all members of the Lodge for their sterling work and wish them every future success.