Stargazing From the Heart of Nature

On Saturday, 22 June, the first Astronomical Encounter Experience will be held at the Lagunas de La Mata and Torrevieja.

A full day of activities has been organised, coinciding with the Summer Solstice, with the whole family welcome to take part.

Starting at 10:00 in the morning, workshops will be held at the visitor´s centre at the park, and then at 5:00 p.m. there will be a conference about asteroids, artificial satellites and solar storms.

Finally, starting at 7:30 p.m. and running through the night, telescopes will be available in the car park near to the cemetery so that visitors can observe the various planets, stars and astronomical activities.

As always at the events held in the natural park, you are invited to bring along a picnic to enjoy during the break. You are also advised to wear appropriate clothing and be conscious that mosquitoes will be active, and so a repellent might be an important choice on the day.