ROJALES SOCIAL SERVICES benefit from an 800€ donation

ROJALES SOCIAL SERVICES benefit from an 800€ donation
ROJALES SOCIAL SERVICES benefit from an 800€ donation

Rojales Social Services were delighted to accept a donation of 800€ from the Rojales Pantomime Group from their production of Camelot the Panto held in January 2019 in Los Montesinos.  

Alcalde Antonio Perez Garcia is seen here accepting the donation from Mike Smith, President and his wife Chris, from the pantomime group, together with councillors Lourdes Lopez Tajes (social services) and Derek Monks (foreign residents).  Money will go to social services to help food, clothing, wheelchairs and essential needs to families or individuals who qualify.  

The Group are excited to be performing a MURDER MYSTERY PLAY at the Coopers Arms, Avenida Antonio Quesada, Doña Pepa on 25th May for any amateur sleuths who enjoy unraveling a mystery to solve the case of THE FATAL FAREWELL.

Tickets are 10€ each and include a one course meal of either Chicken, Chips and Salad, Cod, Chips and Mushy Peas or Vegetable Lasagne which will be served at 7.30pm followed by the play, after which the audience will be asked who, in their opinion from the clues given during the play, is the murderer.   A prize will be won picked out from the winning answers.

To reserve your ticket email or tel – 678 518218 (after 6pm) with your name and choice of menus (closing date to reserve tickets is 21st May).


The Rojales Pantomime Group are pleased to support lots of local charities throughout the region and if you are interested in joining our group email us at

Next year’s pantomime has been chosen as TREASURE ISLAND to be performed in January.