Holy Week in Orihuela promoted on Madrid metro

Holy Week in Orihuela promoted on Madrid metro
Holy Week in Orihuela promoted on Madrid metro

Orihuela Tourism is to carry out an extensive outdoor campaign to attract visitors to the city for one of the biggest tourist attractions of the year, Holy Week, Semana Santa, which will take place from 14-21 Apr.

Declared of International Interest since 2010, the Councillor for Tourism, Sofía Álvarez, said “We try to ensure that Holy Week includes additional activities and initiatives that will be of interest to people from all parts of the world.”

For the very first time Orihuela Holy Week will feature on the tourist maps in Madrid, during which time the information will be seen by thousands and thousands of tourists who will pass through the capital of Spain. “Statistics show that people from Madrid make up a high percentage of tourists who visit the area, so a second promotion is also planned in the Madrid subway,” said Álvarez.

Posters have also been placed in Renfe Railway stations and in airports throughout the Valencia region. There will also be a national radio campaign as well as advertisements in the foreign press for tourists and foreigners up and down the Spanish Levante coast.