Hundreds of locals and visitors celebrate Andalucía Day in Mojácar

Hundreds of locals and visitors celebrate Andalucía Day in Mojácar
Hundreds of locals and visitors celebrate Andalucía Day in Mojácar

Mojácar commemorated the Andalucían Community’s special day with a programme of activities held in different locations around the town,  all organised by the local Council.

At noon on the dot, the Andalucían flag was raised by the Mayor, Rosmari Cano, who was joined by her team of Councillors. This traditional act took place in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento, to the sound of the Andalucían anthem played by the Municipal Band. The crowd that gathered were then entertained with more music from the Band, which encouraged some spontaneous dancing to the pasodobles and other favourite melodies.

This was then followed by the release of 500 green and white biodegradable balloons in the Plaza Nueva, filling the sky with the colours of the regional flag.

The next eagerly anticipated event was at 2 p.m. with the Plaza del Parterre being the venue to sample the giant paella the Town Council provides free of charge to all the locals and visitors keen to join in with the February 28th party.  More than 800 people gathered, on what was an exceptionally beautiful day, to share this outsize speciality and enjoy a merry, celebratory lunch.

The day came to close later in the afternoon at the Centro de Usos Múltiples, with performances by the various Municipal Schools of Dance and Music that once again displayed the great progress being made by these young Mojaqueros.