The Celts Club de Golf.

The Celts Club de Golf.
The Celts Club de Golf.

We celebrated our championship match last Saturday at La Serena with a fantastic 97 players. This does not happen by chance and our thanks are due to Camillus Fitzpatrick, Philip Mountford and Terry Fitzgerald for organising the competition on the day.

To the staff in the pro-shop, Paul, Karolina and Jose, thank you for your attention to detail and for preparing the cards and collating the results. Gloria and all the kitchen staff well done as always.

To Wayne and his team it has become customary to have the course presented to such a high standard, To James Hayes our captain well done and I do hope your hand is sorted soon.  Luckily Ray Brennan was not among the prize winners this time. Please be careful with his poor hand. To all who stayed back for the presentation many thanks it all added to the atmosphere.

Down to the results, golf prize winners’ week 1, Cat. I,Terry Fitzgerald 38, Tony Head 31 and Bob Smith 30. Cat. II, Pat Baker 32, Kjell Mundheim 29 and David Lock 26.

Our Memorial Day results were 1st Chris Daw and Andy Currie 59.8, 2nd Ritchie Heaton and Gary Conroy 63 and 3rd Ian McCormack and Dave Kirk 63.6.  Results of the day, NTP’s Terry Fitzgerald, John Doyle O’Brien (2) Gary Conroy and Bob Smith. Cat. III was an all lady affair with Susan Lowe 35, Sally Hopkins 32 and Holly Thomson 32. Cat II Kjell Mundheim 38, Richard Beel 35 and Harry Lee 34.

Cat I. Tony Head 36, Andy Currie 34 and Gary Conroy 33. The gross was won by Alan Ewing with 33. Second overall  with 38 Terry Fitzgerald and the winner with 39 points Alan Walker. Thank you one and all who remained for the presentation and to honour our winners on the day.

As we presented our Memorial Day prizes and marked the occasion with a minute silence for deceased members, I would like to inform our members of the sad passing of two golfers who many of us have `played against in the International League, Mick Vessey of Benidorm Amigos and Kevin Grenier of El Valle GS, may they rest in peace.

Could we be aware of a number of issues that we might address in order to improve the experience for all in a tournament, firstly the issue of slow play. Can players please keep up with the group in front of them.

Do not wait until it is your turn to play to start your routine, putting on or taking off your glove, marking and cleaning your ball, selecting your club, measuring your distance for your shot etc. all of these can be done in advance and this will help the smooth flow of the game. We had two more players disqualified on the day, one for not presenting their card and one for no signature.

It is your responsibility to have your card signed and return it to the tournament director. 

We have a waiting list in operation at the moment for membership at La Serena, however membership of The Celts is always available. If you would like information on joining our club or entering a team in any of the federation events why not send an e-mail to or call 615 466 398?