Age Concern is renowned for offering a vast range of welfare services and vital assistance to people in need. People contact us for a whole host of reasons and usually it is physical help, mobility assistance or provision of equipment.
However, it is little known that we care for people in other ways. Loneliness can be just as debilitating as a physical problem. So, so many ex-pats living in Spain for many years, sadly, lose their nearest and dearest. Loving families are many miles away. Neighbours, although caring, have friends or commitments and cannot always be to hand when you just need a little conversation.
For males and females of all ages, Age Concern could fill the gap between living 24/7 alone or enjoying a bit of company with people in similar situations. At our Day Centre at Calle Paganini, La Siesta every day between 10.00 and 1.30pm Monday to Friday, we have our pop-in tea or coffee mornings. There you will be welcomed by one of our many volunteers, have a one – to-one chat about any subject you wish…….the weather, the price of fish or a subject close to your heart in strict confidence.
You may want to just pick up a newspaper and sit with a coffee, catch up on all the latest news or complete a crossword. But mainly relax in comfortable surroundings and although your main aim is to make friends, many regular visitors browse the greeting cards stand or treat themselves to an inexpensive piece of hand crafted jewellery.
A huge selection of books, jigsaws and games are available to purchase at exceptionally low prices. The biggest personal advantage is the fact you will have the opportunity of mixing with people, chatting, laughing and generally enjoying their company, in your own time and when you feel ready join in.
Age Concern hold regular weekly Bingo, Rummikub, Knitting club sessions in the afternoons as well as classes to learn the Spanish language. All through the year day trips and evening events are organised. Taking that first step to walk through the door can be daunting, but once inside you may find a wealth of fun, which maybe lacking in your life.
If lack of transport restricts you from visiting, dependant on where you live, one of our vehicles may be able to collect you and take you back to your home. Loneliness isn’t restricted to people on the other side of 50 years old, so even if you haven’t reached that golden age yet the Age Concern coffee mornings may turn out to be the gateway to a more fulfilling life.
If you feel you would appreciate some further information regarding our Day Centre and all that it holds and can offer, you can telephone 966 786 887 in office hours to have your apprehension allayed.